Friday, February 29, 2008


Salam buat bala Kurawa Buat Den Mas Muji, Panembahan Kunto , Adipati Setiyo, Kakang Mas A Daswito, Eyang Kis, Kapitan S Jiwa heheheheheh apa kabar semua i hope semua sehat-sehat wae oke aja

Satu lagi tips mengindari kebakaran rumah

Bila anda akan berpergian jauh, jika rumah tidak ada yang menjaga jangan lupa cabut setiap stop kontak listrik yang masih menancap soalnya di perumahan sebelah ada yang rumahnya habis gara2 saklar otomatis pompa listrik nya rusak, Di perkirakan pompa running terus samapi akhirnya pompa terbakar lalu merambat lewat pipa pvc terus naik2 sampai kabel terus nyamber barang2 yang mudah terbakar dideketnya. Hmmm kasian deh padahal rumahnya bagus bgt loo. kalo kebakaran jenggot sih ndak papa paling2 lupa besok lupa juga tuh..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Kemarin aku diajak sama teman maen Dota entah game apa itu, semula permainannya kayaknya menboringkan bgt, tapi setelah maen beberapa round ternyata asik juga yaaa.
Kalo ada diantara kalian pembaca yang tahu Trick Hebat dari Dota bisa dong kasih tau saya. Penasaran nih ndak isa menang-menang di sikat terus ....Huhuhu....!

Saturday, February 9, 2008



The Cervical collar is a one-piece rigid cervical spine immobilization device design to assist the rescuer with the maintenance of neutral alignment, prevention of lateral sway and forward and backward flexion and extension of the cervical spine during transport and routine patient care or movement

Direction for Use Cervical Collar.

Have one rescuer manually stabilize the head and neck, gently holding the head and neck in the neutral alignment.
Once the head and neck manually stabilized, a second rescuer should apply an Cervical Collar to the patient. Size the collar as determined below. Applied collar must not hyper-extend the patient’s neck.
Measure the distance between imaginary plane drawn horizontally and immediately below the patient’s chin and second horizontal plane drawn immediately on top the patient’s shoulder
Compare this distance with the distance from the collar sizing line to the lower aspect of the plastic collar body not the foam.
The Cervical collar is preset to neck less size 3. If larger size collar is needed, disengage the safety lock by pulling up on safety buttons.
Adjust the collar to appropriate size, Simply pull the collar apart until the distance between the sizing line and the plastic collar body equal your finger measurement
Engage the safety lock by pushing DOWN on the safety buttons.
If the Collar neck needs to be resized, disengage the safety locks an pull “out” on the ratchet latches

Applying the scoop strectcher

Applying the Scoop Stretcher.

Unfasten restraint.
Separate the Stretcher halves by pressing the lock lever of each coupling and pulling the coupling halves away from each other.
Position one half of the stretcher on each side of the patient, aligning the center of the head panel with patient’ nose.
(To avoid pinching or pulling the patient’s skin, hair, or clothing, use care while working the stretcher halves into place beneath the patient.)
To rejoin the stretcher halves, push the right and left halves of the head and foot couplings together until the lock into place.
Make sure the couplings are securely fastened. To test, try pulling the coupling halves away from each other without pressing on the lock levers. The coupling should remain securely fastened.
Buckle and tighten the patient restraints.
To lift and carry the stretcher with two operators, position yourselves at opposite ends of the stretcher and grasp the main frame. This maintains the stretcher balance.