Saturday, February 9, 2008

Applying the scoop strectcher

Applying the Scoop Stretcher.

Unfasten restraint.
Separate the Stretcher halves by pressing the lock lever of each coupling and pulling the coupling halves away from each other.
Position one half of the stretcher on each side of the patient, aligning the center of the head panel with patient’ nose.
(To avoid pinching or pulling the patient’s skin, hair, or clothing, use care while working the stretcher halves into place beneath the patient.)
To rejoin the stretcher halves, push the right and left halves of the head and foot couplings together until the lock into place.
Make sure the couplings are securely fastened. To test, try pulling the coupling halves away from each other without pressing on the lock levers. The coupling should remain securely fastened.
Buckle and tighten the patient restraints.
To lift and carry the stretcher with two operators, position yourselves at opposite ends of the stretcher and grasp the main frame. This maintains the stretcher balance.

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